Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Origins of a severe problemactic group.

I was watching a Doco last night and was curious about the "Notorious" group "MS 13."
I couldn't understand and still don't understand why such a group like this would kill their own colour/skin because they live on another street!

This has in fact been happening for many years and is now known as one of the most "Dangerous" groups in the World!

What really made my heart go out to them was that there wasn't any Education, Careers or Leisure for this small community in El Salvador, further more seemed....... No way out for anyone in this community and  members of the MS 13.

What was happening and what I was seeing was a group of young men that were sitting around smoking drugs and talking, watching over their community and being cautious as to who was in their neighbourhood as what they had said could be an enemy, but this is Ludicrous! because we know that drugs is a common cause for Paranoid episodes and therefore this is what I was seeing, the abuse of the pure substance they were allowed to take followed by the standing around doing nothing, That in my opinion had to much time on there hands and that no wonder the paranoid feeling would kick in and make you think someone is after you and ill get him before he doe's me!

What needs to be done is work needs to be created and that means the El Salvador Government needs to put funds into these communities so they can be busy re-building communities, designing, building,landscaping etc... All this would make them feel like there doing something, give them the feeling that they are men and are providing for there families, making there children proud to say hey that's my daddy. But sadly without any type of work, means of making legitimate money and becoming a man through hard work not murder well then the murder will keep going on....

This is what needs to be introduced into this community and many other communities in El Salvador,
  • Work
  • Housing
  • Schools
  • Shops
  • Play gyms/Parks (Swings,Slide,Flying fox etc).
  • Landscape
  • Walk paths
  • Roads
All this creates work, years of work and the continuous upkeep of the refurbished communities, and is a great way in rehabiliting these memembers through Labor.

To be cont....

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